1.   The spray protects plants from attacks by many common pests.

2.   A. Welcome to the wonderful world of the carrot rust fly, a very common pest.

3.   Farmers are expected to happily pay premium prices for corn altered to produce its own insecticide against common pests like the European corn borer.

4.   Khan, meanwhile, is going back to the wastelands of Kenya looking for more grasses to kill common pests.

5.   Misc.rural, a happy little group usually devoted to sharing information about common pests, water well maintenance and tractor repair, fairly hums with the outrage.

6.   The American cockroach, which grows to more than one and a half inches long, is another common pest.

7.   The rest of his corn and his beans have not sustained enough damage from such common pests to warrant chemical retaliation.

8.   The StarLink corn is engineered to insert a gene that produces a protein lethal to the corn borer, a common pest.

9.   The StarLink corn is engineered to produce a protein toxic to a common pest, the corn borer.

10.   This information will help you with pruning and fertilization schedules, outline the importance of applying zinc and list some common pests.

a. + pest >>共 157
insect 15.07%
major 5.48%
integrated 4.66%
garden 3.01%
agricultural 3.01%
common 3.01%
exotic 1.92%
local 1.64%
biological 1.37%
new 1.37%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
form 1.51%
share 1.34%
pest 0.08%
每页显示:    共 11