1.   He wrote his book and is now going on his tour while the committee is still deliberating the validity of his contract under House rules.

2.   Johnson, whose committee deliberated the Gingrich case on Tuesday, said the panel did not review the new material and the committee took no action.

3.   The committee deliberated and voted in public after the closed hearings.

4.   While the committee was deliberating, Eldredge, who had skipped nationals the past two seasons, was philosophical about his chances.

5.   The selection committees deliberate in strict secrecy.

n. + deliberate >>共 53
jury 46.89%
juror 22.98%
panel 5.28%
judge 2.48%
council 1.86%
committee 1.55%
court 0.93%
justice 0.93%
parliament 0.93%
time 0.93%
committee + v. >>共 854
be 7.70%
say 4.91%
meet 4.36%
have 3.75%
approve 2.60%
recommend 2.45%
decide 2.34%
vote 1.78%
make 1.71%
hold 1.51%
deliberate 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5