1.   The special cabinet committee comprises Mr Brown, Mr Mandelson, and Mr Straw.

2.   An executive committee comprised of members from Medco and Wyeth-Ayerst will be formed to manage the venture, the companies said.

3.   Committees comprised of parents and district officials have worked to improve programs and services since then.

4.   The committee comprises the energy secretary, two independent energy experts and a former bureaucrat, Indian newspapers reported.

5.   The veterans committee comprised five former players, five former officials and five members of the news media.

6.   A committee comprising officials from the airport, defense and finance ministries will be appointed soon to recommend an alternative site.

7.   Diplomats attending the meeting said the monitoring committee would likely comprise officials from the United Nations, the World Bank and the Palestinian self-rule government.

8.   Formerly, the two committees comprised civil servants or Golkar members.

9.   Led by the Telecommunications Department, the committee comprises representatives from the five telecommunications operators and the Government.

10.   On Friday, a committee comprised of representatives of the two sides and other political factions agreed on a seven-point plan to consolidate the truce.

n. + comprise >>共 390
group 10.03%
committee 4.85%
team 3.88%
alliance 1.94%
opposition 1.62%
government 1.62%
council 1.62%
delegation 1.51%
commission 1.40%
board 1.19%
committee + v. >>共 854
be 7.70%
say 4.91%
meet 4.36%
have 3.75%
approve 2.60%
recommend 2.45%
decide 2.34%
vote 1.78%
make 1.71%
hold 1.51%
comprise 0.48%
每页显示:    共 45