1.   His comments provoked a barrage of criticism.

2.   But then again, his comments often provoke intense interest and scrutiny.

3.   His comments provoked angry reactions from black legislators.

4.   His comments provoked an almost immediate outcry, particularly from Democrats in the Legislature.

5.   In a city where residents are prone to mouthing off, there is the risk that impolite comments will provoke police abuse.

6.   Such comments have provoked some fierce reactions from black performers.

7.   That comment provoked outcry from opposition lawmakers, who criticized it as a display of stubborn nationalism, and the government has since softened its stance.

8.   The comments provoked a Secret Service investigation.

9.   The comments provoked widespread speculation in Moscow that Yeltsin may resign before the end of his term, though Yeltsin has confounded such predictions many times in the past.

10.   His comments provoked rebukes in London, Washington and Brussels.

n. + provoke >>共 589
move 2.92%
incident 2.05%
case 1.90%
attack 1.75%
killing 1.68%
decision 1.53%
plan 1.39%
comment 1.39%
proposal 1.24%
remark 1.24%
comment + v. >>共 408
be 33.37%
come 14.24%
follow 2.95%
appear 2.04%
reflect 1.89%
draw 1.78%
make 1.68%
suggest 1.63%
echo 1.37%
have 1.32%
provoke 0.49%
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