1.   Along with the colors red and white worn by players and fans of both teams, another similarity is the importance of college football in both states.

2.   And he similarly asserts that Homer, Shakespeare and Dostoyevsky are all writers who remind him of the color red.

3.   Asha is like the color red.

4.   But where does the color red come from?

5.   Each pixel has three parts, for the colors red, green and blue.

6.   His home was free of the color red, which he does not like.

7.   Is there a significance to the color red?

8.   It embraces the seductive power of the color red.

9.   South, for example, represents fame, fortune and festivity, elements denoted by the color red and the number nine, which the Chinese consider very lucky.

10.   The color red stimulates appetite and energy levels, raises blood pressure and makes a person feel hot, Whelan says.

n. + red >>共 87
face 12.87%
eye 11.39%
color 7.92%
fire-engine 4.46%
tomato 3.96%
turn 3.96%
year 2.97%
house 1.98%
fondant 1.49%
embassy 1.49%
color + n. >>共 557
photo 8.13%
photograph 7.05%
scheme 6.80%
slide 3.45%
printer 3.17%
picture 2.66%
television 2.30%
screen 2.16%
combination 2.16%
change 1.69%
red 0.58%
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