1.   Brazil and Colombia have tried to encourage exporters to implement a coffee retention plan to prevent the flooding of the market.

2.   Cardenas said this plan will remain in effect until a formal agreement is reached on a new coffee retention plan.

3.   However, analysts are skeptical more stringent coffee retention would work.

4.   The association is to discuss implementing another retention plan to boost prices, which have fallen since the last coffee retention scheme ended last year.

a. + retention >>共 47
fluid 20.41%
record 11.22%
better 5.10%
higher 4.08%
coffee 4.08%
high 3.06%
periodic 3.06%
increased 3.06%
urinary 3.06%
so-called 2.04%
coffee + n. >>共 445
price 10.56%
cup 6.90%
house 5.14%
mug 5.14%
future 3.20%
pot 2.64%
plantation 2.11%
grower 2.04%
machine 1.76%
producer 1.76%
retention 0.14%
每页显示:    共 4