1.   Am I an incredibly slow learner or just a cockeyed optimist?

2.   But Benigni, as a cockeyed Italian optimist who falls in with losers Tom Waits and John Lurie, gives it a much-needed steroid injection.

3.   But he would have to be a cockeyed optimist to expect the Chiefs to reach the Super Bowl next season.

4.   Cockeyed optimists both.

5.   Edvard Munch was a cockeyed optimist.

6.   Give me a cockeyed optimist that everybody can relate to.

7.   Gleaming white villas are sprinkled haphazardly on the gray, pine-embellished mountainsides, stuck at odd angles as though attached by a cockeyed optimist.

8.   Maybe the week was for those cockeyed optimists and purveyors of mystical happenings, but the second half yesterday was put into the hands of the realists.

9.   McDonagh makes Samuel Beckett look like a cockeyed optimist.

10.   The cockeyed optimist was sent to a room filled with horse manure.

a. + optimist >>共 84
eternal 15.58%
cockeyed 7.79%
incurable 4.55%
born 2.60%
incorrigible 2.60%
perennial 2.60%
biggest 1.95%
inveterate 1.95%
wild-eyed 1.95%
diehard 1.30%
cockeyed + n. >>共 26
optimist 28.57%
angle 7.14%
optimism 7.14%
estimation 4.76%
amendment 2.38%
character 2.38%
claim 2.38%
clay 2.38%
courage 2.38%
fable 2.38%
每页显示:    共 12