1.   All three Baltic Sea coast nations staunchly support the U.S.-led war effort in Afghanistan.

2.   Archbishops from Sweden and Finland, two other Baltic coast nations hit hard by the ferry catastrophe, also took part in the hour-long memorial.

3.   But he opted to return to this Baltic Sea coast nation to play for a local team, Lietuvos Rytas.

4.   During his six-hour stay in the Baltic coast nation, he was meeting with Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis and business leaders.

5.   He managed to point his Atlantic coast nation westward while maintaining his stature as a leader of Islam.

6.   Lithuania, a Baltic Sea coast nation between Russia and Poland, was part of the Russian Empire at the time.

7.   The next president, to be chosen by parliament starting Monday, should focus on the social problems that trouble this small Baltic Sea coast nation, he said.

8.   Voting was brisk in small Baltic coast nation, where the elderly comprise a majority and are expected to help usher more cautious reformers into power.

9.   While the Caribbean coast nation of Belize suffered the worst damage, Nicaragua reported the highest death toll.

n. + nation >>共 329
island 23.80%
member 16.59%
host 9.11%
donor 7.14%
bloc 3.19%
rogue 2.84%
creditor 1.59%
delta 1.45%
candidate 1.25%
east 1.18%
coast 0.31%
coast + n. >>共 74
state 15.79%
road 11.65%
town 6.77%
resort 6.39%
city 5.64%
region 4.89%
line 3.38%
nation 3.38%
path 3.38%
port 2.26%
每页显示:    共 9