1.   But only a small fraction of the coalition troops in Afghanistan are fighting the shooting war.

2.   Coalition troops were continuing their search for the attackers.

3.   Coalition troops had not encountered any of the enemy by Thursday evening, British military officials said.

4.   Coalition troops, with heavily armed guards, enter the city, to order everything from metal structures for temporary offices to catering for parties.

5.   Gen. Tommy Franks, the commander of allied forces in Afghanistan, has said that coalition troops may recanvass territory to insure that enemy fighters have not reappeared.

6.   He added that coalition troops were fired upon first.

7.   Meanwhile, overnight, Qaida fighters fired at coalition troops around an airfield in eastern Afghanistan in an attack that lasted several hours.

8.   Nor did he intend to use coalition troops to help provide nationwide security in Afghanistan, as some humanitarian groups and Afghan leaders have been urging.

9.   No coalition troops were wounded, and American officials said they did not know whether there had been any enemy casualties.

10.   Rumsfeld said that if bin Laden is not already dead he would eventually be killed in a fight with coalition troops or captured.

n. + troop >>共 279
government 44.60%
ground 16.28%
army 12.10%
rebel 3.43%
security 1.52%
alliance 1.49%
ministry 1.24%
coalition 1.22%
opposition 1.20%
border 1.13%
coalition + n. >>共 274
government 41.50%
partner 16.80%
force 5.18%
member 4.25%
party 3.98%
leader 3.12%
talk 2.10%
troop 1.67%
agreement 1.64%
ally 1.62%
每页显示:    共 87