1.   Edith clucked her tongue impatiently.

2.   He clucks his tongue to make the noise.

3.   Jessica clucked her tongue in sympathy when she saw his bruised arm.

4.   Carmichael clucks his tongue irritably, and continues defending his team.

5.   A colleague clucked her tongue.

6.   Goober would stick his thumb out and cluck his tongue and deliver whatever half-witted message necessary.

7.   He called again for his mother and she clucked her tongue to soothe him.

8.   Her brother, Nezam Qaqur, clucked his tongue.

9.   Most of the coverage of the wrestling phenomenon coos and burbles over its financial successes but then clucks its tongue at the very nature of the product.

10.   Newton clucked his tongue.

v. + tongue >>共 161
bite 19.43%
hold 14.07%
stick_out 5.86%
click 3.52%
have 2.85%
swallow 2.35%
cluck 2.18%
pierce 2.01%
find 2.01%
loosen 1.68%
cluck + n. >>共 6
tongue 68.42%
disapproval 10.53%
approval 5.26%
man 5.26%
naysayer 5.26%
way 5.26%
每页显示:    共 13