1.   If the waterways are too clogged for even the Zodiacs, they will island hop by helicopter.

2.   The force of all the rain water can scour prime fish habitat and clog waterways such as Pipers with silt.

3.   Frigid temperatures have forced consumers to use more oil and have clogged waterways with ice making it more difficult for barges to deliver oil.

4.   Garbage dumped by the squatters clogs many waterways and the shanties prevent the government from bringing in equipment to dredge the drains.

v. + waterway >>共 69
pollute 9.56%
use 4.41%
search 4.41%
close 3.68%
dredge 3.68%
clog 2.94%
cover 2.94%
cruise 2.94%
patrol 2.94%
enter 2.21%
clog + n. >>共 197
street 15.03%
road 9.97%
artery 7.10%
system 2.87%
traffic 2.73%
court 2.46%
drain 2.46%
middle 2.32%
highway 2.32%
line 1.91%
waterway 0.55%
每页显示:    共 4