1.   None experienced side effects or clinical symptoms.

2.   Pneumonia was the clinical symptom most strongly associated with seroconversion among drug users.

3.   The clinical symptoms of magnesium excess or deficiency can be demonstrated to relate to this dependence.

4.   It was found that increases in protein synthesis and breakdown could be correlated with the progression of disease severity, as judged by erythrocyte sedimentation rate and clinical symptoms.

5.   Patients with active colitis had clinical symptoms of urgency, loose stools, abdominal pain, and blood in the stool.

6.   Clinical symptoms and signs were poor indicators of the investigations that will detect a cause for the anaemia.

7.   The clinical symptoms varied from mild disease with little blood in stools to more active disease with frequent diarrhoea with blood and mucus in all stools.

8.   Partial remission was defined as improvement of clinical symptoms and endoscopic lesions with a decrease in tumoral infiltration.

9.   A strict regimen of wheat free diet in the hospital had a favourable and normalising effect on his clinical symptoms, weight, and growth.

a. + symptom >>共 408
flu-like 12.09%
similar 5.25%
first 3.42%
common 3.42%
early 3.37%
flulike 3.28%
severe 2.99%
physical 2.46%
same 2.17%
gastrointestinal 1.97%
clinical 0.96%
clinical + n. >>共 402
trial 41.97%
study 4.62%
psychologist 4.33%
depression 3.07%
research 2.24%
test 2.21%
sign 1.58%
practice 1.41%
professor 1.35%
evidence 0.89%
symptom 0.57%
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