1.   Any alcohol-based glass cleaner can clean stains off the body of the computer.

2.   A. Wash the stain with a solution of one part bleach and three parts water, which may clean the stain enough so there is no need to paint.

3.   Do you think this is the problem, and if so, what can we do to clean these stains off?

4.   Ever try to clean grass stains off a golf ball with a dry towel?

5.   How can I clean coffee stains from that grout?

6.   How can I clean that stain?

7.   How can I clean those stains?

8.   How can we clean these stains off, and is there a paint we can use that will resist such staining in the future?

9.   Lewinsky has saved the dress for months without cleaning the stain, the source said, thus preserving proof of at least one sexual encounter.

10.   The product will also deep clean stains on upholstery and carpets.

v. + stain >>共 129
remove 15.23%
apply 4.77%
get 4.55%
have 4.32%
leave 4.32%
use 4.32%
find 3.41%
clean 2.95%
take 2.27%
cause 2.05%
clean + n. >>共 733
house 9.90%
room 2.92%
tooth 2.08%
water 1.92%
street 1.60%
toilet 1.44%
air 1.44%
floor 1.28%
window 1.28%
area 1.24%
stain 0.52%
每页显示:    共 13