1.   Drain the vegetables, then puree together through a food mill into a clean saucepan.

2.   In a clean saucepan, combine sugar, cornstarch, vinegar, and syrup until well mixed.

3.   Pass through a sieve into a clean saucepan.

4.   Put strained liquid in a clean saucepan.

5.   Puree in a blender or food processor, then return to a clean saucepan.

6.   Pour through a fine strainer into a clean saucepan, and discard the contents of the strainer.

7.   Remove from heat and strain sauce through a fine sieve into a clean saucepan.

8.   Return the puree to a clean saucepan.

9.   Return the soup to a clean saucepan and heat through.

10.   Return to a clean saucepan set over medium heat and stir constantly until the mixture begins to boil.

a. + saucepan >>共 49
small 28.55%
large 23.82%
medium 22.82%
heavy 12.27%
clean 1.82%
nonreactive 1.82%
heavy-bottomed 1.36%
deep 1.00%
same 0.45%
nonstick 0.45%
clean + n. >>共 691
water 12.36%
air 7.34%
sweep 3.63%
slate 3.49%
government 2.35%
break 2.35%
sheet 2.21%
record 2.01%
clothes 1.56%
program 1.30%
saucepan 0.57%
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