1.   Since then anyone who had been unwise enough to venture along the corridor had been pounced upon and picked clean.

2.   Now, many of those fledgling companies are dead, picked clean of their assets by buyers or bankruptcy court.

3.   Picked clean.

4.   Until Jason Stephens, Brendon Ayanbadejo, Marques Anderson, Ryan Nece and colleagues badgered the Trojans unmercifully and picked them clean.

5.   The ruins now stand empty, picked clean of everything save a sink.

6.   The store was completely empty, picked clean by looters.

v. + pick >>共 53
be 12.04%
come 10.19%
up 8.33%
clean 5.56%
use 4.63%
grow_up 2.78%
arrive 2.78%
work 2.78%
come_to 1.85%
form 1.85%
clean + v. >>共 28
pick 13.95%
keep 6.98%
remove 6.98%
sweep 6.98%
answer 4.65%
avoid 4.65%
get_away 4.65%
protect 4.65%
be 2.33%
begin 2.33%
每页显示:    共 6