1.   Instead, they should provide the user with clean needles and information to help avoid infection.

2.   But even then simple measures such as condoms, clean needles, bleach, and spermicides will be required.

3.   Clean needles will still be available to addicts, but only from drugs project centres like the one in Cheltenham.

4.   All three said they are sometimes frustrated by how their advice about the importance of condom use and clean needles is ignored.

5.   But exchanging clean needles for used ones is more effective, it said, because as time passes fewer drug users follow the proper disinfection procedures.

6.   China needs to move quickly to regulate the blood supply and provide clean needles to injecting drug users.

7.   Cooper said several studies show that clean needle programs do not increase drug use.

8.   Congress has banned the use of federal funds for programs that distribute clean needles to drug users.

9.   Despite studies that show that clean needles reduce the rate of HIV infection, the administration cannot stomach being painted by the Republicans as condoning illegal drug use.

10.   Even a simple, low-cost program to provide clean needles to primitive hospitals might stop many epidemics before they got started.

a. + needle >>共 198
clean 7.80%
dirty 7.63%
contaminated 6.41%
used 4.68%
fine 3.47%
shared 2.43%
long 2.43%
sewing 2.08%
infected 2.08%
intravenous 1.91%
clean + n. >>共 691
water 12.36%
air 7.34%
sweep 3.63%
slate 3.49%
government 2.35%
break 2.35%
sheet 2.21%
record 2.01%
clothes 1.56%
program 1.30%
needle 1.28%
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