1.   Monica is what I would call a clean freak.

2.   Or mediating between the slobs and the clean freaks on how often to break out the Windex.

3.   Seinfeld is known to be almost bizarrely fastidious, a clean freak obsessed with order.

4.   Shortly afterward, another former nanny claimed that Mrs. Netanyahu was a clean freak who had made her work day and night, and barely allowed her to eat.

a. + freak >>共 66
neat 10.59%
clean 4.71%
biggest 2.35%
mere 2.35%
conditioning 2.35%
genetic 2.35%
psycho 2.35%
real 2.35%
religious 2.35%
total 2.35%
clean + n. >>共 691
water 12.36%
air 7.34%
sweep 3.63%
slate 3.49%
government 2.35%
break 2.35%
sheet 2.21%
record 2.01%
clothes 1.56%
program 1.30%
freak 0.11%
每页显示:    共 4