1.   We can now classify patients as having good or bad glycaemic control.

2.   When this point is reached, the patient is classified into a different category, for which therapy is clearly indicated.

3.   Seventeen patients were classified as abnormal both before and after healing.

4.   Patients were classified according to the severity of their liver disease.

5.   Patients were classified according to the pTNM classification as shown in Table I.

6.   To find out whether the presence of toxoplasma-specific antibodies was related to clinical status we classified the patients in three groups.

7.   We classified our patients in three groups.

8.   If doctors could use the program to classify patients, they would be able to treat them with a greater degree of certainty, he adds.

9.   The insitution classified patients into six categories, the newspaper said.

v. + patient >>共 702
treat 12.67%
help 3.82%
see 2.82%
refer 2.57%
kill 1.80%
protect 1.44%
send 1.36%
take 1.31%
examine 1.25%
admit 1.23%
classify 0.19%
classify + n. >>共 379
case 4.55%
information 3.52%
document 2.06%
death 1.91%
loan 1.91%
nicotine 1.76%
people 1.76%
material 1.62%
patient 1.47%
incident 1.17%
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