1.   An attorney for such an accused immigrant would not be allowed to see any classified evidence used in the case.

2.   Bergeron added that the Supreme Court has previously ruled that the INS may use classified evidence in certain cases where there is a danger to national security.

3.   Agency analysts refused to describe much of the classified evidence they provided to the administration against Chernomyrdin and Chubais.

4.   It also is working on guidelines and regulations to improve the classified evidence process.

5.   Nojeim was particularly offended by a provision allowing authorities to deport noncitizens suspected of terrorist ties using classified evidence the government could choose not to reveal.

6.   Prosecutors have been gathering such classified evidence to indict President Slobodan Milosevic and the Yugoslav high command.

7.   The government can use classified evidence to support its deportation case.

8.   The government has instead used classified evidence in bond hearings or found other reasons to deport citizens.

9.   The immigration service defends the use of classified evidence, but has not taken a position on the bill.

10.   The immigration service, based on classified evidence, had been seeking to deport Ahmed, who is seeking political asylum.

a. + evidence >>共 460
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classified + n. >>共 175
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