1.   All of the poems are written in the classical style.

2.   His music attempts to ape classical styles, but the results are not very original.

3.   It is perhaps not surprising that choreographers use the classical style fur most abstract ballets.

4.   It taught many others how classical style could be adapted and developed.

5.   Of classical style this piece was certainly an import and it reveals the high quality of the Roman art form.

6.   The vase is a piece of modern art done in a classical Chinese style.

7.   They must retain the calm spaciousness of movement if they are not to destroy the essence of the classical style.

8.   To make Scott design a building in the classical style was the worst possible course.

9.   Wigglesworth expected to spend days re-establishing a classical style - but no, they knew about Mozart, and economy and focus.

10.   Latin was written in a classical style that was divorced from the spoken forms of the language.

a. + style >>共 2049
different 4.64%
new 2.95%
personal 1.97%
aggressive 1.21%
musical 1.16%
american 1.06%
old 1.04%
same 0.98%
traditional 0.96%
writing 0.95%
classical 0.89%
classical + n. >>共 573
music 31.38%
style 2.56%
ballet 2.49%
musician 2.13%
dance 1.89%
composer 1.43%
form 1.13%
technique 1.13%
tradition 1.10%
concert 1.06%
每页显示:    共 77