1.   But this class was dearly getting under his skin.

2.   I signed up to take an art class just to get out of the house in the evenings.

3.   She took some extra classes to get a head start in her career.

4.   The class gets used to performing at a particular speed and also the movement becomes greatly disturbed if not at the right tempo.

5.   And the class gets good results, including a letter from Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer and invitations to meet with their local school administrators.

6.   Business class gets you a separate check-in, the use of an airport lounge and, usually, a mediocre meal.

7.   Class can get you PC-literate.

8.   He took classes to get a real estate license.

9.   If my child sells enough chocolate-covered almonds, his class gets an ice-cream party.

10.   In any case, the debate over school textbooks in Japan is not very meaningful, because in most cases history classes do not get that far.

n. + get >>共 1428
thing 4.33%
people 3.16%
company 1.69%
team 1.33%
player 1.31%
investor 1.17%
child 1.12%
man 0.90%
woman 0.83%
kid 0.81%
class 0.07%
class + v. >>共 463
be 28.56%
begin 4.21%
have 3.69%
include 2.66%
resume 2.29%
start 1.26%
get 1.17%
take 1.17%
teach 1.12%
learn 1.12%
每页显示:    共 25