1.   The poem provided the basis for an interesting class discussion.

2.   The video will provide a basis for class discussion.

3.   There are regular class discussions, but some of the students never participate.

4.   The news served as a springboard for a class discussion.

5.   Your teacher will be asking lots of questions, and you must try hard to give your views in class discussions.

6.   Anastasia holding a class discussion last week about the comic book her class has created.

7.   At night, they sleep in church basements and recreation centers, then reflect on the experience afterward in essays and class discussion.

8.   But just the class discussions and the presentations he gave made me want to go out and find more.

9.   Class discussions are considered confidential.

10.   Class discussions are interesting.

n. + discussion >>共 320
round-table 7.05%
roundtable 6.79%
merger 6.62%
group 5.25%
policy 4.04%
settlement 3.96%
trade 3.44%
class 2.92%
classroom 2.67%
contract 1.98%
class + n. >>共 613
size 10.53%
member 4.30%
warfare 2.98%
president 2.71%
system 1.97%
difference 1.97%
clown 1.97%
reunion 1.86%
time 1.78%
division 1.66%
discussion 1.32%
每页显示:    共 34