1.   The Parachute Regiment has pulled out of the Coalisland area of County Tyrone after clashes left three civilians with bullet wounds.

2.   Street clashes left one protester dead and hundreds of police officers and demonstrators wounded.

3.   The Mexican government denied that it had used the helicopters in recent anti-guerrilla missions in southern Guerrero State, where recent clashes have left at least nine people dead.

4.   A clash in mid-January left four soldiers and a policeman dead in central Bolivia.

5.   A clash in February left one rebel dead.

6.   Also, Israel raids a West Bank village, arresting three suspected militants, and the resulting clashes leave six Palestinians wounded.

7.   But the May-June clashes left Meles weaker than before.

8.   But quoting military sources, the media center said the clashes left some casualties.

9.   Chaotic clashes overnight left four people dead.

10.   Clashes with police left one person dead and several injured.

n. + leave >>共 1210
people 1.89%
troop 1.63%
team 1.57%
man 1.35%
player 0.92%
plane 0.90%
family 0.86%
result 0.78%
force 0.74%
official 0.74%
clash 0.23%
clash + v. >>共 213
be 21.19%
erupt 10.63%
break_out 9.67%
continue 8.73%
occur 8.18%
take 6.32%
begin 3.80%
come 3.42%
leave 1.62%
follow 1.24%
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