1.   Besides, more civilian deaths have occurred in the area from earthquakes than in recent wars.

2.   The USA and its allies had apparently feared that their opponents would use an open meeting as a platform from which to denounce US war aims and civilian deaths.

3.   Official accounts of the raids emphasized that no civilian buildings were targeted, and denied reports of civilian deaths.

4.   The large number of civilian deaths in Sakhiet provoked an international outcry.

5.   Among the propositions was a Commmunist-sponsored bill to create a commission to investigate officials responsible for the hundreds of civilian deaths in Chechnya.

6.   And even those who despise Dudayev and his regime are furious about the seemingly wanton destruction of Grozny and the civilian deaths here.

7.   And this is the old problem of reporting civilian deaths in the Yugoslav war.

8.   A copy of the Bronze Star citation, provided Thursday by the US Navy, makes no mention of civilian deaths.

9.   A knowledgeable U.N. officer said a moderate amount of shelling, even if it included civilian deaths, might continue to be tolerated.

a. + death >>共 956
shooting 5.21%
nazi 3.65%
wrongful 3.15%
civilian 2.98%
the 2.87%
possible 2.48%
violent 2.40%
recent 2.39%
accidental 2.34%
first 1.95%
civilian + n. >>共 489
casualty 9.01%
clothes 4.38%
population 3.55%
rule 3.16%
area 2.88%
government 2.84%
life 2.72%
target 2.38%
court 2.19%
death 1.89%
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