1.   For reasons not fully explained, the military pilot had Decided to close in on the civilian airliner.

2.   An army captain on a civilian airliner insisted on using his cell phone during takeoff despite orders from the crew that he turn it off.

3.   An FAA spokeswoman said earlier this week that there was a policy for shooting down civilian airliners but would not divulge it.

4.   Citing security concerns, Eberhart declined to sketch a scenario that would result in the decision to down a civilian airliner being made by someone other than the president.

5.   Even an aircraft carrier, he suggested, could no longer assume that a civilian airliner was benign.

6.   Intercepted communications, however, clearly showed the Soviet pilots mistook the civilian airliner for a U.S. spyplane in the area, Goodman said.

7.   Indeed, there has been mounting concern in intelligence and law enforcement circles that terrorists could use hand-held anti-aircraft missiles to attack civilian airliners.

8.   Military drones are becoming so common that they might endanger civilian airliners.

9.   The now retired chief of the Chilean Air Force has formed a committee with civil aviation specialists to study recent near-collisions of UFOs and civilian airliners.

10.   The pilot of the civilian airliner involved in the incident, Capt. Richard J. McCune, also testified to the panel, offering his first public account.

a. + airliner >>共 150
commercial 16.89%
hijacked 11.10%
civilian 4.69%
russian 4.56%
domestic 3.82%
iranian 3.58%
sudanese 2.71%
american 2.59%
chinese 2.34%
egyptian 2.22%
civilian + n. >>共 489
casualty 9.01%
clothes 4.38%
population 3.55%
rule 3.16%
area 2.88%
government 2.84%
life 2.72%
target 2.38%
court 2.19%
death 1.89%
airliner 0.38%
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