1.   Citronella products Citronella oil is the trendiest mosquito repellent on the market these days.

2.   Spray repellents and citronella oils offer temporary relief in keeping away these winged vampires.

3.   The main problem experienced with citronella oil is that it evaporates rapidly, allowing the bugs it repels to quickly return.

4.   The other, citronella oil, can be used to fight mosquitoes but wears off quickly.

5.   This plant emits citronella oil when the leaves are rubbed.

n. + oil >>共 299
soybean 9.59%
sesame 8.94%
soy 6.68%
canola 4.67%
fish 4.08%
truffle 3.31%
diesel 2.72%
midnight 2.07%
engine 2.01%
cod 1.62%
citronella 0.32%
citronella + n. >>共 8
candle 45.00%
oil 25.00%
eye 5.00%
flare 5.00%
lamp 5.00%
principle 5.00%
scent 5.00%
variety 5.00%
每页显示:    共 5