1.   Four people were arrested in the elaborate scheme in which immigrants recited the Pledge of Allegiance, took a citizenship oath and answered questions about American history.

2.   Four people were arrested in the scheme, which included immigrants reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, taking a citizenship oath and answering questions about American history.

3.   The citizenship oath requires one to renounce allegiance to all other countries.

4.   The U.S. citizenship oath requires that a person renounce allegiance to all other countries.

n. + oath >>共 16
loyalty 40.28%
blood 15.28%
secrecy 9.72%
citizenship 5.56%
morning 5.56%
coronation 4.17%
naturalization 4.17%
time 4.17%
confidentiality 1.39%
five-word 1.39%
citizenship + n. >>共 94
law 12.39%
test 6.20%
application 5.98%
requirement 5.56%
right 4.91%
bill 4.49%
status 4.06%
document 3.85%
issue 3.63%
class 3.63%
oath 0.85%
每页显示:    共 4