1.   Citizen initiatives are good for democracy and a jewel of self-government.

2.   Cuomo has also called for holding a constitutional convention to debate term limits and citizen initiative, among other ideas.

3.   In Buffalo, Rochester and Binghamton, Pataki met with reporters to discuss his support for term limits, citizen initiatives and proposals to make government more open.

4.   Most of the laws were passed by citizen ballot initiatives, not by the legislators whose tenure was affected.

5.   PROPERTY MEASURE ON HOLD IN OREGON Oregon is one of those states where citizen ballot initiatives have become an alternative way of governing.

6.   The group Citizens for Improved Community-Police Relations plans to get citizen initiatives on the October city election ballot.

7.   The Legislature faces a budget deficit because of rising health-care expenses and the cost of several citizen initiatives passed by voters.

8.   The measure was placed on the ballot as a citizen initiative, and the Swiss government had opposed rushing into entry talks.

9.   The only other East Coast states to allow citizen initiatives are Massachusetts and Florida.

10.   Public campaign financing in Maine and Arizona was created by citizen initiatives.

n. + initiative >>共 429
peace 29.20%
ballot 12.36%
policy 4.53%
government 3.10%
education 2.78%
voter 1.71%
reform 1.48%
administration 1.34%
trade 1.30%
race 0.88%
citizen 0.46%
citizen + n. >>共 198
group 20.10%
complaint 7.52%
committee 3.92%
participation 3.76%
access 2.61%
lawsuit 2.12%
panel 1.96%
charter 1.80%
militia 1.63%
initiative 1.63%
每页显示:    共 10