1.   Doctors are required to cite a study confirming any medical benefits of the drug and provide a written prescription.

2.   Doctors are required to cite a study confirming the proven medical benefits of the drug and provide a written prescription.

3.   For instance, she cited studies that had been extensively discredited methodologically as though they had not been.

4.   There is considerable species variation in the response of the stomach to alcohol and so animal studies will be cited only where data from humans are inadequate.

5.   The commission cited alarming studies showing that ozone was disappearing in winter over densely populated areas of Europe and north America.

6.   And he cited the studies of Jane Goodall and the chimpanzee communities she observed.

7.   And, after it ran expensive ads citing studies downplaying implant risks.

8.   At the Bonn meeting, representatives of developing countries, citing recent studies, said they were already doing more than expected to control emissions.

9.   Bolandi cites studies that show no link between homework and high achievement.

10.   Both supporters and critics of the programs have cited studies to support their arguments.

v. + study >>共 521
conduct 10.69%
do 6.49%
complete 4.48%
publish 3.35%
need 2.67%
release 2.40%
fund 2.39%
cite 2.30%
continue 2.21%
begin 2.15%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
study 1.11%
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