1.   Hastings said he would approve the trip unless the defense attorneys could cite legal precedents supporting their argument.

2.   Among the more historical precedents one might cite are Sarah Bernhardt as Hamlet and Mary Martin as Peter Pan.

3.   And he cites precedent to support his contention.

4.   But the outlines of the problem are already plain, and each side cites international precedents to make its case.

5.   Cases that raise issues of life and death cannot be decided simply by citing precedent or pointing to the constitutional text.

6.   Citing several precedents, he urged Judge Brozman to remove Weil, Gotshal from the case and compel it to forfeit a portion of its fees.

7.   He cited the precedent of the decision by the U.S. government to abandon the development of biological weapons.

8.   He likes to cite precedents, noting that the Bauhaus had a resident jazz band, and that Kandinsky was both musician and painter.

9.   He refused, citing Biblical precedent, but by then other forces were at work.

v. + precedent >>共 89
set 50.13%
have 9.54%
establish 5.73%
create 4.71%
take 3.18%
follow 3.05%
cite 2.93%
break 2.54%
provide 1.40%
fear 1.27%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
precedent 0.20%
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