1.   Although the report did not cite specific instances, it also found that some minority students in the applicant pool were being admitted ahead of more-qualified whites.

2.   And his aides cited many instances in which individual schools are already working with settlement houses and other nonprofit groups.

3.   AbiNader and others cited instances where co-workers have used ethnic or racial slurs against their Arab-Americans colleagues.

4.   But Reardon, citing numerous instances when pro golfers use carts, argued that walking was not a fundamental part of the game.

5.   David Bryant, president of Arlington Baptist College and a professor of theology, cited several instances in the Bible in which God used animals to make a point.

6.   Democrats cited instances where insurance companies required a mastectomy to be treated as out-patient surgery.

7.   Foes of the Georgia lawsuit also cite numerous instances in which wealthy candidates have failed to win elections despite spending huge sums.

8.   He cited instances in his area in which clergy members across a broad spectrum of faiths had worked together to provide meals for the needy.

9.   He cited instances where private firms mined databases for medical records they could sell to insurance companies for profit.

10.   He cited several instances in which Veneman represented groups working to expand access to public lands for mineral extraction and use by off-road vehicles.

v. + instance >>共 101
cite 15.62%
find 7.21%
recall 6.31%
report 6.31%
see 4.50%
include 3.60%
describe 3.30%
detail 3.30%
remember 2.40%
document 2.10%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
instance 0.45%
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