1.   A similar case is cited by Ulpian.

2.   Many a case can be cited where business strategies of this kind have utterly failed.

3.   The case has been cited as showing the power of intention in trusts, as Iavolenus allows the uncle the estate.

4.   The report cites various cases by which over-emphasis on free trade can lead to environmental problems, including the recent controversy over the US import ban on Mexican tuna.

5.   Although civilian complaints of police misconduct are down, the report cited some cases in which officers were found to have used racial epithets or excessive force.

6.   And Hispanic groups cited several cases in which they said immigrants had committed suicide because they were distraught at the prospect of losing benefits.

7.   And the case could be cited as evidence that AIDS was abroad in the Western world well before the epidemic appeared among gay men in the United States.

8.   As another example he cited the case of a wasp, Cotesia glomerata, that parasitizes the Large White butterfly.

9.   As evidence, he cites rare cases of sudden-onset savantism.

10.   As examples, he cited the cases of El Salvador and Guatemala, where fighting between government and rebels dragged on for years.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
cite 1.06%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
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