1.   It would not be surprising if such theses showed a different publication and citation pattern from those reporting primary research results.

2.   Oromaner suggests that materials for different types of audience have differing citation patterns.

3.   Cluster analysis revealed a clear bimodal pattern differentiating the two sets of citation patterns.

4.   The citation patterns again show a bimodal distribution, with two median half-lives.

n. + pattern >>共 770
weather 18.54%
traffic 2.78%
speech 1.96%
sleep 1.78%
pass 1.52%
wind 1.48%
flight 1.48%
post 1.48%
consumption 1.48%
migration 1.33%
citation 0.15%
citation + n. >>共 27
analysis 17.86%
count 14.29%
frequency 7.14%
pattern 7.14%
rate 7.14%
period 5.36%
measure 3.57%
peak 3.57%
age 1.79%
book 1.79%
每页显示:    共 4