1.   It had a cinnamon mixture running through the middle of the cake.

2.   Spread the softened butter over the dough and evenly sprinkle on the sugar and cinnamon mixture.

3.   Sprinkle cinnamon mixture over biscuit pieces and toss until evenly coated.

4.   Sprinkle with the garlic, mint, cinnamon mixture.

5.   Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon mixture over oats.

a. + mixture >>共 526
chocolate 8.43%
cream 3.60%
hot 2.87%
creamed 2.81%
remaining 2.75%
mushroom 2.57%
chicken 2.38%
vegetable 1.83%
dry 1.53%
curious 1.47%
cinnamon 0.31%
cinnamon + n. >>共 50
stick 43.91%
roll 11.74%
sugar 6.09%
bun 3.04%
raisin 2.61%
candy 2.17%
mixture 2.17%
flavor 2.17%
oil 2.17%
toast 2.17%
每页显示:    共 5