1.   Higher cigarette prices do not seem to discourage people from smoking.

2.   Analysts say that the constant ratcheting up of cigarette prices may scare away some potential new smokers, but will hardly affect overall demand.

3.   And Congress may simply decide to raise cigarette prices through taxes, though that option is hardly its first choice.

4.   Anti-smoking advocates want that provision, arguing that higher cigarette prices would discourage teens from smoking.

5.   As a result, experts predict cigarette prices will keep climbing and excise taxes will continue escalating, further diminishing domestic demand.

6.   A federal suit would drive up cigarette prices and drive down cigarette sales, decreasing the amount states collect in sales and excise taxes.

7.   A key question is whether cigarette prices would be raised sufficiently to curb consumption, particularly among youths.

8.   A successful federal suit could bring in new revenues that would shore up the Medicare trust fund and help reduce smoking by raising cigarette prices.

9.   A top administration official Thursday tried to assure a Senate panel that raising cigarette prices would not create a black market if proper regulations are imposed on sellers.

10.   All six said they would raise cigarette prices to reduce the advantage they have over non-Indian businesses.

n. + price >>共 312
share 23.97%
oil 9.89%
future 4.88%
bond 3.87%
consumer 2.97%
wheat 2.72%
gasoline 2.56%
ticket 2.04%
commodity 1.89%
energy 1.83%
cigarette 0.22%
cigarette + n. >>共 251
maker 16.98%
company 9.35%
smoke 6.69%
smoking 4.64%
butt 4.61%
tax 4.45%
advertising 3.88%
manufacturer 3.84%
sale 2.72%
price 2.24%
每页显示:    共 70