1.   Cigarettes cost almost nothing to produce and are so addictive that smokers will pay whatever is demanded.

2.   I was trying to find it to see how much cigarettes cost when I quit because I wanted to make a point about it.

3.   The cigarettes cost the same, and research has found that smokers cannot detect a difference.

4.   The less flammable cigarettes do not cost more to make.

5.   When I quit my pack-a-day habit, cigarettes cost half that much.

6.   With Big Tobacco trying to cover legal bills, cigarettes cost more.

n. + cost >>共 1405
plan 1.46%
mistake 1.30%
project 1.27%
program 1.06%
delay 1.04%
decision 0.98%
move 0.96%
service 0.88%
strike 0.80%
system 0.77%
cigarette 0.16%
cigarette + v. >>共 134
be 37.01%
cause 3.22%
have 2.76%
smoke 2.53%
kill 2.53%
dangle 2.07%
contain 1.84%
do 1.84%
burn 1.38%
cost 1.38%
每页显示:    共 6