1.   Three infants in the random group developed chronic lung disease.

2.   Although people with chronic lung disease suffer most, high pollution levels can affect anyone.

3.   Arthritis is more common, as is chronic lung disease.

4.   Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease, a literal struggle for breath that its sufferers relive over and over.

5.   Blue recalls sitting with a patient who was dying of chronic lung failure.

6.   -- Nearly all smokers experience an accelerated decline in lung function, and many eventually develop a chronic lung disease like chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

7.   But children born prematurely or with chronic lung disease are more vulnerable.

8.   Cardozo suffered from chronic lung disease, the family said.

9.   Chronic obstructive lung disease, too, may in part be prenatally programmed.

10.   Cigar smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to develop chronic obstructive lung disease, although again the risk is lower than that of cigarette smokers.

a. + lung >>共 240
collapsed 11.38%
right 9.06%
left 6.24%
chronic 4.77%
punctured 4.16%
serious 2.45%
human 2.33%
green 2.20%
severe 2.08%
bruised 2.08%
chronic + n. >>共 602
disease 7.87%
problem 7.43%
pain 5.61%
illness 4.24%
fatigue 4.18%
condition 3.25%
shortage 2.77%
food 1.61%
gastritis 1.52%
health 1.52%
lung 1.16%
每页显示:    共 39