1.   For similar reasons the presence of severe lung disease and chronic kidney disease is a contraindication to disulfiram administration.

2.   Both drugs are already approved in the U.S. for use with growth deficiency and chronic kidney failure, which can stunt growth.

3.   He had suffered from a bone-marrow cancer called multiple myeloma and from chronic kidney failure, said his friend and co-executor, Stephen Kirschenbaum.

4.   In cats with chronic kidney failure, a few weeks of dialysis before a transplant makes success more likely.

5.   Instead, Whalen diagnosed a chronic kidney problem and sent her home, according to the investigation.

6.   It is legally used to treat chronic kidney failure along with anemia caused by certain cancers and HIV.

7.   Mayo Clinic specialists suggest caution for children, pregnant women and people with chronic kidney or liver disease.

8.   Others who can benefit from hormone therapy are children with chronic kidney failure, most of whom are abnormally short unless given growth hormone.

9.   The acquisition would allow the company to provide the full spectrum of products and services for treating chronic kidney disease.

10.   The cause was chronic kidney failure, her family said.

a. + kidney >>共 170
new 6.63%
chronic 5.38%
left 5.20%
bruised 5.20%
artificial 3.94%
serious 3.41%
severe 2.51%
right 2.51%
transplanted 2.51%
human 2.15%
chronic + n. >>共 602
disease 7.87%
problem 7.43%
pain 5.61%
illness 4.24%
fatigue 4.18%
condition 3.25%
shortage 2.77%
food 1.61%
gastritis 1.52%
health 1.52%
kidney 0.89%
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