1.   Chop remaining pecans medium-coarsely and sprinkle evenly over coconut.

2.   In a medium mixing bowl, combine the cranberry sauce, crushed pineapple and chopped pecans.

3.   Replacing the corn syrup or molasses with brown sugar makes it less gooey, and chopping the pecans allows the texture to approach the fineness of a French dessert.

4.   Sprinkle chopped pecans over fruit in an even layer.

5.   To prepare crust, pulse chopped pecans in food processor.

6.   While mixture is still warm, press chopped pecans evenly into surface of fudge.

v. + pecan >>共 42
sprinkle 11.01%
add 9.17%
spread 7.34%
toast 6.42%
chop 5.50%
buy 4.59%
toss 4.59%
place 4.59%
use 3.67%
coat 2.75%
chop + n. >>共 260
onion 6.85%
wood 6.20%
tomato 3.49%
ball 2.84%
garlic 2.58%
leaf 2.58%
vegetable 2.33%
grounder 2.20%
parsley 1.94%
cilantro 1.94%
pecan 0.78%
每页显示:    共 6