1.   A key point of the Choice plan is the removal of the distinction between residential and business customers.

2.   Choice plans that allow black parents to send their children to white suburban schools have had similarly mixed success.

3.   Despite the much-publicized perception that forced busing still exists, the controlled choice plan actually has all but eliminated it.

4.   The public choice plan was written by state Rep. Polly Williams, who represents a poor district in central Milwaukee.

5.   In another compromise, lawmakers agreed to include charter school and public school choice plans championed by Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn.

6.   The charter school and choice plans have been championed by centrist Democrats, including Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn.

7.   The charter school and choice plans have been championed by centrist Democrats, including Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut.

8.   The president declared he did not put forth his charitable choice plan for political gain.

a. + plan >>共 989
new 5.97%
immediate 3.68%
contingency 3.24%
restructuring 2.80%
economic 1.98%
republican 1.92%
such 1.78%
original 1.74%
ambitious 1.74%
spending 1.60%
choice 0.04%
choice + n. >>共 296
word 7.35%
but 3.43%
program 3.27%
goalkeeper 2.61%
target 1.96%
assignment 1.96%
question 1.63%
plan 1.31%
theory 1.31%
multiple 1.31%
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