1.   Check chimney flues and heating equipment in summer and do maintenance, make repairs or replace an outmoded system.

2.   He described the topography as acting like a chimney flue.

3.   The chimney flue of the buidling with City Hall in the background.

4.   The only other possibility that I can think of is that the chimney flue needs repair.

5.   Water that finds its way down a chimney flue can react with acidic creosote to weaken mortar.

6.   You should never have a single chimney flue venting two fireplaces, or one fireplace and a furnace.

7.   You can test for backdrafting by holding a smoking incense stick below the chimney flue.

8.   Queen Elizabeth II grapped a soda-water dispenser to douse a fire that had begun to fill her private suite with smoke after a chimney flue blew shut.

n. + flue >>共 8
chimney 36.36%
furnace 18.18%
fireplace 13.64%
boiler 9.09%
gas 9.09%
heater 4.55%
masonry 4.55%
water 4.55%
chimney + n. >>共 47
cap 15.22%
stack 12.32%
fire 10.14%
flue 5.80%
starter 4.35%
piece 3.62%
smoke 3.62%
top 3.62%
effect 2.90%
cover 2.17%
每页显示:    共 8