1.   A beautiful mountain view could be deadly if it creates a chimney effect, feeding the fire into a frenzy.

2.   A. The odor is the result of a downdraft in the chimney, also known as a reverse chimney effect.

3.   It is called a reverse chimney effect.

4.   The entrances and tunnels were dug at the same level of the natural opening, which prevents air from leaving the cave in a chimney effect.

n. + effect >>共 633
health 11.79%
knock-on 5.10%
year 2.72%
wealth 2.72%
multiplier 2.55%
take 2.49%
spillover 2.44%
contagion 2.04%
snowball 1.59%
tax 1.19%
chimney 0.23%
chimney + n. >>共 47
cap 15.22%
stack 12.32%
fire 10.14%
flue 5.80%
starter 4.35%
piece 3.62%
smoke 3.62%
top 3.62%
effect 2.90%
cover 2.17%
每页显示:    共 4