1.   Her childhood dream was to be a ballet dancer.

2.   I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.

3.   I had a childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.

4.   In it he details his childhood dream of climbing Everest - and his fulfilment of this remarkable ambition three years ago.

5.   It was his childhood dream to play professional baseball.

6.   Visiting Angkor was the fulfilment of a childhood dream.

7.   Artist Rob Piercy, of Porthmadog, considers himself lucky to be able to realise his childhood dreams.

8.   In it he details his childhood dream of climbing Everest -- and his fulfilment of this remarkable ambition three years ago.

9.   Baseball players are living out our childhood dreams and we are angry at them for letting the real world intrude.

10.   After the war, he began to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a forest ranger by first securing a job as a lumberjack.

n. + dream >>共 251
childhood 15.77%
boyhood 5.57%
hoop 4.08%
championship 2.97%
fever 2.60%
dot-com 1.67%
anxiety 1.48%
baseball 1.48%
people 1.30%
title 1.30%
childhood + n. >>共 426
friend 12.61%
memory 5.66%
home 5.26%
dream 4.22%
education 3.28%
experience 2.88%
disease 2.63%
cancer 2.38%
sweetheart 2.18%
abuse 1.99%
每页显示:    共 85