1.   It was ironic that her fussy and dictatorial chief had the same Christian name as the exciting young singer who had so caught her imagination last Saturday.

2.   And labor union chiefs have a decidely mixed record at the gubernatorial level, choosing to exercise their clout far more emphatically in federal elections.

3.   Asked Wednesday whether the chief still has his confidence, Riordan declined to comment.

4.   Assistant City Attorney Byron Boeckman said the order means the chief still has the option of rejecting permits provided he gives reasonable consideration to each request.

5.   Bostic said it is imperative for the police chief to have the ultimate hiring authority, rather than trusting a citizens personnel department.

6.   A Parks spokesman, however, denied that the chief has any personal motive in the disciplinary proceeding.

7.   A top aide to Dombeck, Chris Wood, said Monday night that the Forest Service chief had no intention of resigning.

8.   Actually, the party chiefs had little of the usual political leverage over any of them.

9.   But for all the interest in privacy, at least one academic chief had good reason to rededicate himself to the campus.

10.   But Melanie Lomax, an attorney for Williams, said the chief has no plan to amend or scale back his claim.

n. + have >>共 1318
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player 0.88%
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chief 0.03%
chief + v. >>共 541
say 19.97%
be 14.38%
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warn 1.35%
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