1.   But the chicks themselves say they have gotten surprisingly few negative comments.

2.   Chick said acknowledgement of the problem by some male members is the best hope for reducing the problem.

3.   Chick said she also distrusted the use of buyouts.

4.   Chick said she envisioned the new pension package as a long-term incentive that would encourage officers to stay with the LAPD, confident there would be advantages at retirement.

5.   Chick said she wants to review reforms approved by the City Council last year on safety and getting employees back to work to see if they are being implemented.

6.   Chick said some people have a negative body image, which compels them to work out away from others.

7.   Chick said her concern is whether public funding should be used for the hotel.

8.   Chick said she is sad that the city is having to consider the action.

9.   Chick said she wants to see the final written policy before passing judgment.

10.   Chick said she would be interested in conducting the audit, if the council can provide the financial resources to help sort out the multiple funding sources.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
chick 0%
chick + v. >>共 74
be 15.43%
say 14.81%
dig 8.64%
hatch 5.56%
die 3.70%
have 3.09%
know 1.85%
need 1.85%
require 1.85%
take 1.85%
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