1.   I will cherish these days forever as I reluctantly close the doors on my college life.

2.   But the page has turned for Clay, and he is beginning to cherish every day he spends in the NFL.

3.   Cherish a day in which the demands can be few.

4.   However much they may cherish the days of solo practitioner, most Americans recognize that the era of corporately managed, high-tech medicine is here to stay.

5.   Like others in his profession, MacNelly cherished the days of the Watergate scandal.

6.   Still, you learn to cherish such days, fold them up in your memory like love letters.

7.   The experience has transformed lives as well, giving the new Americans meaningful work and a reason to cherish each day.

8.   We cherish those days.

9.   With issues like these looming, the Baby Bells and their rivals may come to cherish the days when they fought over Velcro patches.

v. + day >>共 788
spend 19.78%
take 11.18%
have 5.35%
remember 3.01%
save 2.40%
carry 2.01%
end 1.94%
start 1.93%
begin 1.92%
open 1.83%
cherish 0.10%
cherish + n. >>共 207
memory 10.67%
moment 4.80%
hope 2.93%
freedom 2.67%
privacy 2.67%
time 2.67%
day 2.40%
tradition 1.87%
thought 1.33%
dream 1.07%
每页显示:    共 9