1.   Broil until cheese melts and edges of bread are crusty.

2.   As cheese melts, drop torn pieces of toast in bowl and devour.

3.   Be careful not to allow cheese to melt into a puddle.

4.   Bake until the crust is crisp, the cheese melting and the scallops cooked through.

5.   A trick to get fat-free cheese to melt is to hydrate it well before melting.

6.   Add butter and goat cheese and stir together until cheese melts.

7.   Add salt, cayenne and cheese and stir until cheese melts.

8.   Add wine, lemon juice and cornstarch and stir over medium heat until cheese melts.

9.   Add Gorgonzola and cook, stirring frequently, until cheese melts.

10.   After the cheeses melt under the hot studio lights, a burping Rizzo later confesses that he ate them.

n. + melt >>共 308
snow 13.21%
butter 8.85%
ice 7.52%
cheese 7.03%
sugar 2.30%
glacier 2.18%
heat 2.18%
temperature 1.45%
chocolate 1.33%
heart 1.21%
cheese + v. >>共 108
be 31.82%
melt 14.65%
have 5.30%
come 2.78%
add 1.77%
make 1.77%
taste 1.52%
change 1.26%
spread 1.26%
bubble 1.01%
每页显示:    共 58