1.   Some low-fat cheeses have quite an acceptable flavour but some taste like rubber.

2.   The cheese has a pleasing colour and a pleasantly sharp flavour.

3.   This cheese has a peculiar smell.

4.   This cheese has a very strong flavour.

5.   This cheese has a crumbly texture with a strong flavour.

6.   The cheese has a buttery flavor.

7.   The cheese has a strong odor.

8.   These cheeses have their own identity, and nothing about one cheese changes the nature of the other cheeses.

9.   But low-fat, no-fat cheeses simply have no taste.

10.   But the contrast between the bad economic news in Argentina and good news elsewhere in Latin America is a reminder that green cheese has its virtues after all.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
cheese 0.01%
cheese + v. >>共 108
be 31.82%
melt 14.65%
have 5.30%
come 2.78%
add 1.77%
make 1.77%
taste 1.52%
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