1.   These cheeses have their own identity, and nothing about one cheese changes the nature of the other cheeses.

2.   Each day the cheeses changed and so did the jams.

3.   Hogshead cheese has changed.

4.   Cheese changes everyday.

5.   In hot and humid countries such as the Philippines, cheese changes rapidly.

n. + change >>共 1254
thing 7.88%
time 3.56%
life 1.84%
situation 1.73%
world 1.66%
company 1.42%
attitude 1.38%
government 1.31%
rule 1.00%
people 0.88%
cheese 0.03%
cheese + v. >>共 108
be 31.82%
melt 14.65%
have 5.30%
come 2.78%
add 1.77%
make 1.77%
taste 1.52%
change 1.26%
spread 1.26%
bubble 1.01%
每页显示:    共 5