1.   After checking our papers, the border guards let us through.

2.   The Gestapo captain had checked the papers of the two truck-drivers and found them in order.

3.   The people at the tax department were very officious, and kept everyone waiting for hours while they checked their papers.

4.   The government said that the deaths had occurred as paramilitary gendarmes were checking identity papers.

5.   The Leeds Service Crew are all retired these days, reclining in the West Stand and checking the papers for their shares.

6.   Ballot papers were being checked today, ready for delivery to every home in the city.

7.   Along the rocky trail that led up the mountain from the village of Petrovo, guerrillas emerged from the woods to check identity papers and consult with the refugees.

8.   A Sarajevo policeman stopped a motorist to check his papers and to search the bullet-pocked vehicle for weapons and smuggled goods.

9.   Additional roadblocks were set up to search vehicles and check identity papers, particularly of those from the southern border region.

10.   He stretched his arms out and spoke soothingly in Hebrew, until they were reassured enough to approach and check his papers.

v. + paper >>共 691
file 6.69%
say 5.21%
sign 3.66%
read 3.39%
publish 2.59%
use 2.53%
have 2.46%
tell 1.91%
write 1.89%
check 1.71%
check + n. >>共 1526
report 2.67%
e-mail 2.07%
bag 2.04%
record 2.01%
car 1.56%
vehicle 1.54%
watch 1.22%
paper 1.21%
identity 1.08%
list 0.95%
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